All the major job boards are not created equal. They attract different candidates, in different ways and at different times. The only way you are sure to capture all the available candidates on the net is to use all the major and niche boards; use them all ways, by posting and searching; and use them all the time, by searching daily.
Until now companies have had to choose job boards, hope they chose correctly, and then find the time to properly utilize them.
YourLeap offers the ideal solution. YourLeap accesses all the major job boards, and hundreds of minor ones. YourLeap experts post your job and search daily for you. Companies no longer need to pick the right boards, or spend their limited time searching through them. YourLeap does the heavy lifting for you. YourLeap posts your job, searches over 300 resume databases, contacts the top matches, and has industry experts sort through all the responding results.
One major board may have an aggressive campaign one month and another board may attract more candidates the very next. YourLeap takes the guess work and the frustration out of the equation for you. powers the New York Times job board and attracts more passive, technology specific candidates. Careerbuilder has an affiliation with and Hotjobs is owned by Yahoo. Do you want to guess browsing behavior when you need specific candidates quickly?
It is clear, there is no single board solution for all your jobs, but there is a single source solution, YourLeap covers all the job boards, in all ways, and all the time.
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